Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Bald Soprano


Check that out! The entire cast is comprised of Berkeley students! And there's 7 performances. That means there no excuse for you to miss this show. I'm acutally pretty excited about this one. If you haven't checked out any of the past Berkeley performances at Garret Mountain, you've missed out on a pretty good time. Don't make that mistake again!

Professor Farrington's got me all hyped up for it.

Not only do I get to see my classmates act, I also get a little insight on how talentedhis campus is. We have actors, musicians, dancers, artists, poets, lyricists, everything! Lately, the activity period events have provided outlets for students to relieve their stress by expressing their creative sides.

So come check out "The Bald Soprano". It's free for Berkeley students.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Berk Alert!

Remember back in the high school days when having your cell phone on you was an absolute no-no? Well, this is college. Cell phones are darn near necessary this day and age. Almost all professors list their cell numbers on a syllabus as a way to contact them in emergency situations. Students can use their cell phone calenders are reminders for exams and quizzes. Now, Berkeley has come up with a way that our small little cells can save our lives.

Last month, Berkeley College introduced us all to Berk Alert. If you're part of the college. chances are you received a voicemail, a text and an email as a tester to see if you can receive alerts.

If you didn't receive all three, I suggest you update your information on Blackboard. This stuff is pretty important. Lets just say there was a natural disaster, a bad situation or an alien attack at one of the campuses. You would be informed right away through email, text and calls.

I have to say this is one of the coolest things Berkeley has cooked up. I feel a lot safer knowing that I'll always be in the know if something were to ever happen on campus.

Now if only other organizations would do the same. (-coughcoughNJTRANSITcoughcough-)