Monday, April 20, 2009

Moving On Up at the Internship

It's my third week at Tempo and guess what? I'm guessing they like me because I got moved up to the corporate level of the building. I am the CEO's intern now! (That's him in the photo.) How cool is that? I'm still helping out with project here and there but most of my assignments are coming directly from him. I dig it. Everything's so fast paced and one day is never the same as the other.

I'm hoping I can do my 2nd internship here. I'm headed up to Garret Mountain next week to talk to my advisor if it can happen.

Aside from that, I've been staying on top of my assignments. I credit this to my giant dry erase board where I write EVERYTHING down. Its impossible to forget a deadline when it's written in purple green and hot pink.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Let the Juggling Begin!

Yesterday was the first day of the Spring Quarter. Yay! I mean, the weather didn't really yell out spring (cold winds and thunderstorms and such), but logging on to Blackboard and seeing all new classes sure did.

Yesterday also marked my second week of interning at Tempo Networks. I've gotta say that it sure feels like to be in a corporate setting once in a while. I get to use what I've learned in all those years of computer classes and business management courses.

It's only Tuesday and I've already come to a hurdle. One of my courses will have a quiz on Saturday that will only be open from 6pm to 9pm. Unfortunately for me, I work a 9 hours shift that day starting at 1pm. (I had to take less days and longer shifts at work to make room for school and interning.) I already emailed my professor well before Friday so it doesn't look like I'm being a whining slacker. Hopefully, there can be some kind of arrangement done. I mean, I took online courses because I though it would be convenient to be able to do my work when I have time during the week. I mean, isn't that why online classes were invented?

Unless I'm reading it wrong. It says "6:00 to 9:00pm" ...If she means 6am, I'm saved. If she means 6:00pm, I'm in a rut.

Maybe I'm stressing out too much? (You tell me.)

So, I'm here crossing my fingers that I can still be able to take this test.

And it's only day two of Spring Quarter. Man, oh, man.

So readers, how's Spring Quarter working out for you? Send me an email. I always read 'em.