Friday, August 31, 2007

Last Week Before Finals!

Oh man! Its already down to week 10! I have tons of papers and assignments to make up!

Throughout the summer, I had a couple of late assignments due to emergency absenses (family/hospital/floods) so I have tons to make up before finals week. Luckily, my professors are cool with handing in all the assignments for late grades.

This weekend, I plan on locking myself in my room and getting everything done. I was to hand in the best assignments I can. Sure, its the end of summer and all I want to do is have one final bash before the rest of my friends go back to school...but there's always next weekend! It'll be the weekend after everyone else starts, so they'll be just as amped to enjoy the weekend!

Now, I have to get working on these papers (and get to treating my millions of bugbites.)

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