Monday, October 15, 2007

Double Presentation Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow I have two presentations for two different classes.

The first of the day will my "first draft" speech about Andy Warhol in Oral Communications. I wrote about the downfalls of 3 of this "superstars" and how the events could have be linked to the artist himself. I know its not that good of a description, but its only a rough draft so in reality, I'm not even sure what my speech is about.


My second presentation was in Humanities in the Media. My class was broken up into groups. Each group was in charge of outlining and presenting certain chapters from the textbook. Our mindterm, which is the first week of November, will be based on each group's presentation. Needless to say, these presentations have to be pretty good since everyone is going to be studying them for midterms. Talk about pressure!

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